Pengarang: Daniel Chudnovsky

Kevin P. Gallagher is Assistant Professor of International Relations at Boston University and research associate at the Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University. Daniel Chudnovsky (1944-2007) was Director of the Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT) and Professor at the Universidad de San Andrés. José Antonio Ocampo is Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs and Director of the Program in Economic and Political Development at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.

2 Ebooks by Daniel Chudnovsky

Kevin P. Gallagher & Daniel Chudnovsky: Rethinking Foreign Investment for Sustainable Development
Consisting of country case studies and comparative analyses from Latin American and US based political economists, this volume examines the recent history of foreign investment for development in Lat …
Kevin P. Gallagher & Daniel Chudnovsky: Rethinking Foreign Investment for Sustainable Development
Consisting of country case studies and comparative analyses from Latin American and US based political economists, this volume examines the recent history of foreign investment for development in Lat …