Most of us are familiar with the golden rule: ‘Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.’ And if people treat us well, we generally do the same in return. But what about when others hurt us? Jesus gives us an even higher calling: ‘Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you’ (Luke 6:27-28).David Anderson shows us how we can extend extraordinary goodness to bless those who have hurt us. He presents the radical concept of ‘forgraceness’: grace beyond forgiveness. God empowers us not only to pardon real-life hurts, but to seek the good of others. When this happens, our relationships can experience amazing transformation and redemptive healing.But we can't do it on our own. We need God's strength to take us to the next level. With God's help, we can offer true grace beyond forgiveness.
Jadual kandungan
1. Forgiveness Is Golden
2. Forgraceness Is Platinum
3. Grace Is Unfair
4. I Love You Dearly
5. I Apologize Sincerely
6. You’ve Hurt Me Deeply
7. I’m Concerned About You Personally
8. You’ve Helped Me Tremendously
9. Keeping an Attitude of Forgraceness
A Final Thought
An Invitation
A Gift to Give Away
Mengenai Pengarang
Dr. David A. Anderson is the founder and senior pastor of Bridgeway Community Church in Columbia, Maryland. He is also president of the Bridge Leader Network, a diversity consulting firm, and a radio talk-show host in the nation's capital. His books include Gracism: The Art of Inclusion and Multicultural Ministry Handbook.