This is a memoir of intimately personal ‘supernatural’ experiences. From a childhood abduction to an answered prayer; with ghosts, UFO’s, and telepathy sprinkled between years of normal life. It is my hope that most readers will find it entertaining, but not take it too seriously and then go about their happy lives. I anticipate that only a handful of folks, those already possessed of strange experiences and forbidden knowledge, will truly understand that these stories are true. Will grasp all of the cryptic threads.
Mengenai Pengarang
When I am not making pastries at breakneck speed, I can be found hiking the Northern California coast, reading, or writing on my laptop. I binge watch stand-up comedy, and enjoy podcasts about fringe science, fringe history, philosophy, psychology, and psychedelics. I occasionally sneak off to a concert or go get lost in some redwoods. Because the supernatural appeared in my early childhood, I have always had an interest in it, and it in me. I never thought I would have so many experiences that I would feel compelled to write about them. But age brings reflection and unusual friends, as well as a larger magnifying glass with which to see the world. This beautiful, strange world. My stories are what happened in my life. Some people get a college degree and forge a career. I tried my hand at bands and songwriting, and my support job as a chef became my career. I did, however, figure out how to send a message to an Alpha civilization, something that is not supposed to exist, and got a reply. What college degree does that fall under I wonder? As far as diving into the unknown… If you are not deeply driven to see beyond what you see, and welcome being permanently changed and stranded in a world where no signposts guide you, I think it best to remain in the happy pursuits of normalcy. Just a suggestion.