The Adult Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner contains complete
prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each
behavioral problem in The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment
Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be
easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or
treatment situation.
* Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the
freedom to develop customized progress notes
* Organized around 39 main presenting problems that range from
chemical dependence and low self-esteem to anxiety, impulse
control, grief/loss, and others
* Features over 1, 000 prewritten progress notes (summarizing
patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered)
* Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with
the behavioral problems and DSM-IV(TM) diagnostic categories in The
Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second
* Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of
most third-party payers and accrediting agencies, including the
JCAHO and the NCQA
Jadual kandungan
Series Preface.
Anger Management.
Antisocial Behavior.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)–Adult.
Borderline Personality.
Chemical Dependence.
Chemical Dependence–Relapse.
Childhood Traumas.
Chronic Pain.
Cognitive Deficits.
Eating Disorder.
Educational Deficits.
Family Conflict.
Female Sexual Dysfunction.
Financial Stress.
Grief/Loss Unresolved.
Impulse Control Disorder.
Intimate Relationship Conflicts.
Legal Conflicts.
Low Self-Esteem.
Male Sexual Dysfunction.
Mania or Hypomania.
Medical Issues.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Paranoid Ideation.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Sexual Abuse.
Sleep Disturbance.
Social Discomfort.
Spiritual Confusion.
Suicidal Ideation.
Type A Behavior.
Vocational Stress.
Mengenai Pengarang
ARTHUR E. JONGSMA, Jr., Ph D, is the series editor for the bestselling Practice Planners®. He is also the founder and Director of Psychological Consultants, a group private practice in Grand Rapids, Michigan.