Pengarang: David L. L. Collinson

Brad Jackson is the Head of School of Government and Professor of Public and Community Leadership at Victoria University of Wellington. Prior to this he was the Fletcher Building Education Trust Chair in Leadership and Co-Director of the New Zealand Leadership Institute at The University of Auckland Business School. Brad has authored five books including A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership and co-edited the Sage Handbook of Leadership and Major Works in Leadership. Brad is the former Vice-Chair of the International Leadership Association, a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management and The Leadership Trust.

2 Ebooks by David L. L. Collinson

Keith Grint & Mary Uhl-Bien: The SAGE Handbook of Leadership
Leadership pervades every aspect of organizational and social life, and its study has never been more diverse, nor more fertile. With contributions from those who have defined that territory, this vo …
David L Collinson & Jeff R Hearn: Men as Managers, Managers as Men
Most managers in most organizations in most countries are men. This book is the first international work to address the relationships between men, masculinities and managements. It examines the proce …