David Yun Dai, Ph.D., is Professor of Educational Psychology and Methodology at University at Albany, State University of New York. His research interests encompass giftedness, talent, and creativity. He has published 11 books and over 130 journal articles, book chapters, and other articles on general and educational psychology, gifted education, talent development, and creativity.
Yukang Xue, M.S., is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology at University at Albany, State University of New York. His research is focused on creativity behavior and cyber behavior. Additionally, he conducts research related to methodologies and statistical analyses.
Qi Sun, M.S., is a Ph.D. candidate of Educational Psychology and Methodology at University at Albany, State University of New York. Her research interests encompass creativity, talent development, language learning, and digital technology usage. She has published several articles and authored book chapter both in China and the United States.
15 Ebooks by David Yun Dai
David Yun Dai & Robert J. Sternberg: Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition
The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development. To account for inter-individual, intra-individual, and developmen …
David Yun Dai & Robert J. Sternberg: Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition
The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development. To account for inter-individual, intra-individual, and developmen …
Slim (University of Tunis, Tunisia) Masmoudi & Abdelmajid Naceur: Attention, Representation, and Human Performance
This volume presents a rare occasion where scholars from Europe, North Africa and North America share their research programs and findings revolving around an important theme: integration. Despite di …
Slim (University of Tunis, Tunisia) Masmoudi & Abdelmajid Naceur: Attention, Representation, and Human Performance
This volume presents a rare occasion where scholars from Europe, North Africa and North America share their research programs and findings revolving around an important theme: integration. Despite di …
David (University at Albany, USA) Dai: Design Research on Learning and Thinking in Educational Settings
The key question this book addresses is how to identify and create optimal conditions for the kind of learning and development that is especially important for effectively functioning in the 21st cen …
David (University at Albany, USA) Dai: Design Research on Learning and Thinking in Educational Settings
The key question this book addresses is how to identify and create optimal conditions for the kind of learning and development that is especially important for effectively functioning in the 21st cen …
David Yun Dai & Robert J. Sternberg: Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition
The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development. To account for inter-individual, intra-individual, and developmen …
Ching Chih Kuo & David Yun Dai: Gifted Education in Asia
The book "Gifted Education in Asia: Problems and Prospects" is the first of its kind in terms of providing a critical assessment of the state of gifted education in nine representative coun …
David Yun Dai & Robert J. Sternberg: Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential
Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential explores the intellectual legacy and contemporary understanding of scientific research on human intelligence, performance, and productivity. Across nineteen ch …
David Yun Dai & Robert J. Sternberg: Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential
Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential explores the intellectual legacy and contemporary understanding of scientific research on human intelligence, performance, and productivity. Across nineteen ch …
Fei Chen & David Yun Dai: Paradigms of Gifted Education
This book highlights how to conduct research in gifted education when researchers have to choose from myriad theoretical ideas, hypotheses, claims, practical models, and strategies. It shows research …
Fei Chen & David Yun Dai: Paradigms of Gifted Education
This book highlights how to conduct research in gifted education when researchers have to choose from myriad theoretical ideas, hypotheses, claims, practical models, and strategies. It shows research …
David Yun Dai: Talent Development from the Perspective of Developmental Science
This is a guide book for the field of studies on talent development and human excellence. It reviews the existing literature on the topic and helps map out a taxonomy of research with detailed descri …