This highly practical book presents an evidence-based individual therapy approach for children and adolescents experiencing anger problems. Comprising 10 child sessions and three parent sessions, the treatment addresses anger management, problem solving, and social skills. Sessions are described in step-by-step detail, complete with helpful case examples and therapist scripts. The authors show how to flexibly implement a range of cognitive and behavioral strategies while maintaining treatment fidelity. Reproducibles include 38 worksheets and handouts, plus therapist checklists and parent forms, all in a convenient large-size format for easy photocopying.
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Introduction Module 1: Anger Management Session 1. Introduction to CBT and Education about Anger Session 2. Self-Instruction and Relaxation Session 3. Emotion Regulation Module 2: Problem Solving Session 4. Problem Identification and Attribution Session 5. Generating Solutions Session 6. Evaluating Consequences Module 3: Social Skills Session 7. Developing a Coping Template for Peer Provocation Session 8. Assertiveness Training Session 9. Social Skills for Conflict Resolution with Adults Session 10. Review and Conclusion Parent Sessions Parent Session 1Parent Session 2Parent Session 3 Appendices:1. Client Handouts2. Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale (DBRS)3. Home Situations Questionnaire (HSQ)4. Checklist of Anger Management Skills5. Treatment Fidelity Checklist
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Denis G. Sukhodolsky, Ph D, is Assistant Professor at the Yale University Child Study Center. His work concerns the effectiveness and mechanisms of cognitive-behavioral therapy for children with disruptive behavior disorders, anxiety, Tourette syndrome, and autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Sukhodolsky has authored or coauthored over 60 papers and book chapters, and he has received awards from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Tourette Syndrome Association, and the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation. He also provides clinical care to children and families and teaches cognitive-behavioral therapy to clinical fellows. This book is a result of several clinical trials that examined the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anger and aggression in children and adolescents. Lawrence Scahill, MSN, Ph D, is Professor of Nursing and Child Psychiatry at Yale University, where he is Director of the Research Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) Autism Network at the Child Study Center. The RUPP Network is focused on developing and testing new treatments for children with autism spectrum disorders accompanied by disruptive and explosive behavior. Under Dr. Scahill’s direction, the Yale group is also actively involved in a clinical trials consortium on Tourette syndrome, the aim of which is to develop and test new pharmacological and behavioral interventions in children and adults with Tourette syndrome. Dr. Scahill serves on the Medical Advisory Board of the Tourette Syndrome Association and on the editorial boards of several journals.