Pengarang: Dietmar Dietrich

Dietmar Dietrich is an electronics technician. With the help of the German Foundation “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”, he studied electrical engineering in Karlsruhe. After his doctorate, he worked in aeronautical engineering and later in communications engineering. His main topics as a professor of computer technology (in Bielefeld and Vienna), after working in the industry, were mainly automation processes, air traffic control, and increasingly problems of artificial intelligence. He was an organizer and co-organizer of many national and international scientific conferences, and for decades served worldwide on industrial and scientific committees. He previously edited the book “Simulating the Mind – A Technical Neuropsychoanalytical Approach” (Springer, 2009). He is the author of well over 200 publications and 19 books in the fields of automation, air traffic control, fieldbus technology, information technology, communications engineering or computer technology.

7 Ebooks by Dietmar Dietrich

Dietmar Dietrich & Georg Fodor: Simulating the Mind
Can psychoanalysis offer a new computer model? Can computer designers help psychoanalysts to understand their theory better?In contemporary publications human psyche is often related to neural networ …
Bernhard Janta & Beate Unruh: Körper-Sprachen
In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Interesse an den körperlichen Ausdrucksformen psychischen Geschehens vertieft. Das Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosoma …
Dietmar Dietrich & Dietmar Loy: Open Control Networks
Control networks span a wide range of application areas. These networks are put into action in the `Digital Home’, industrial applications, commercial buildings, transportation systems, gas stations, …
Dietmar Dietrich & Herbert Schweinzer: Feldbustechnik in Forschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung
Feldbussysteme sind im Zusammenwirken mit LANs (Large Area Network) und WANs (Wide Area Network) als Nervensystem anzusehen, das in Systeme aller Bereiche unseres Lebens eingebettet wird. Die Automat …
Dietmar Dietrich: Artificial Intelligence: A Bridge Between Psychoanalysis and Neurology
To be able to merge the psyche with the neural system has been a long-sought goal. There is much scientific literature on results from research on this topic, but the goal of this “booklet” is to pre …
Dietmar Dietrich: Künstliche Intelligenz: Brücke zwischen Psychoanalyse und Neurologie
Die Psyche mit dem neuronalen System verschmelzen zu können, ist ein lang angestrebtes Ziel. Wissenschaftler brauchen oft Jahre, um die Hürden auf dem Weg dahin zu begreifen. Ist das unumgänglich? We …
Dietmar Dietrich & Volker Hartmann Cardelle: Simulating the Mind II
The declared goal of this book, an extended and revised translation of the German edition (2021), is to show how a unified model of the psyche and body can be developed via insights from psychoanalys …