The dynamics, politics, and richness of knowledge production in social movements and social activist contexts are often overlooked. This book contends that some of the most radical critiques and understandings about dominant ideologies and power structures, and visions of social change, have emerged from those spaces.
Jadual kandungan
Learning From the Ground Up: Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production; A.Choudry & D.Kapoor PART I: MAKING KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING FROM THE POLITICS OF KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION AND REPRESENTATION: ‘CIVIL SOCIETY, ‘ ACADEME, AND SOCIAL ACTIVISM – TENSIONS, CHALLENGES, AND DILEMMAS Knowledge and Power in South Africa: Xenophobia and Survival in the post-Apartheid State; A.Desai & S.Walsh On the Question of Expertise: A Critical Reflection on ‘Civil Society’ Processes; R.Rodriguez NGO/Activist ‘Alternatives to Globalization’ Positions: Towards Liberation or (Re)Colonization?; A.Choudry Whatever Happened to the Counter-globalization Movement? Some Reflections on Antagonism, Vanguardism and Professionalization; K.Hudig & E.Dowling Collective Approaches to Activist Knowledge: Experiences of the New Anti-Apartheid Movement in Toronto; R.Ziadah & A.Hanieh The Subjectivation of Marriage Migrants in Taiwan: the Insider’s Perspectives; H.-Chuan Hsia PART II: MAKING KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING FROM UNION, WORKER ALLIANCES, AND LEFT PARTY-POLITICAL ACTIVISMS Learning to Win: Exploring Knowledge and Strategy Development in Anti-privatization Struggles in Colombia; M.Novelli Worker Education and Social Movement Knowledge Production: Practical Tensions and Lessons; D.Bleakney & M.Morrill Conversations on the M60: Knowledge Production through Collective Ethnographies; B.Mathew Vanguards and Masses: Global Lessons from the Grenada Revolution; D.Austin PART III: MAKING KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING FROM PEASANT AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ STRUGGLES Learning and Knowledge Production in Dalit Social Movements in Rural India; K.Prasant & D.Kapoor Anjuman-e-Mazareen Punjab: Ownership or Death – the Struggle Continues; A.Sayeed & W.Haider How do you say Netuklimk in English? Using Documentary Video to capture Bear River First Nation’s Learning through Action; S.Pictou & M.Stiegman
Mengenai Pengarang
DAVID AUSTIN writer DAVID BLEAKNEY National representative for education, Canadian Union of Postal Workers ASHWIN DESAI Centre for Sociological Research, University of Johannesburg, South Africa EMMA DOWLING Lecturer in Sociology, Middlesex University, London, UK WALI HAIDER Activist, MES York University, Toronto, Canada ADAM HANIEH Lecturer in Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA Professor, Graduate Institute for Social Transformation Studies, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan KEES HUDIG Freelance campaigner and media activist BIJU MATHEW Cofounder, New York Taxi Workers Alliance, USA MICHAEL MORILL Executive director, Keystone Progress, Pennsylvania, USA MARIO NOVELLI Senior Lecturer in international education and development, University of Sussex, UK SHERRY PICTOU Community program coordinator and former chief of the Bear River First Nation KUMAR PRASANT Organizer, educator, activist, and author ROBYN MAGALIT RODRIGUEZ Associate Professor of Asian American Studies, University of California, Davis, USA AZRA TALAT SAYEED Executive director, Roots for Equity MARTHA STIEGMAN Postdoctoral researcher, Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Canada SHANNON WALSH South Africa Research Chair in Social Change, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, South Africa RAFEEF ZIADAH Teaching Fellow, Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK