Keith Cuthbertson is Professor of Finance at CASS Business School, City University, London. He has been an advisor to the Bank of England and UK Treasury and a visitor at the Federal Reserve, Washington DC and Bundesbank Professor at the Freie University, Berlin. He has held chairs at the University of Newcastle and Tanaka Business School, Imperial College, as well as undertaking consultancy with financial institutions.
Dirk Nitzsche is an Associate Professor in Finance at CASS Business School and previously was at the Tanaka Business School, Imperial College.
Complementary texts by the same authors are Investments: Spot and Derivatives Markets, and Financial Engineering: Derivatives and Risk Management (2001) both published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
3 Ebooks by Dirk Nitzsche
Keith Cuthbertson & Dirk Nitzsche: Quantitative Financial Economics
Quantitative Financial Economics Quantitative Financial Economics provides a comprehensive introduction to models of economic behaviour in financial markets, focusing on analysis in discrete time. Fo …
Niall O’Sullivan & Keith Cuthbertson: Derivatives
Three experts provide an authoritative guide to the theory and practice of derivatives Derivatives: Theory and Practice and its companion website explore the practical uses of derivatives and offer a …
Niall O’Sullivan & Keith Cuthbertson: Derivatives
Three experts provide an authoritative guide to the theory and practice of derivatives Derivatives: Theory and Practice and its companion website explore the practical uses of derivatives and offer a …