Pengarang: Dirk Puetzfeld

Peter A. Hogan is Emeritus Professor at University College Dublin. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from The National University of Ireland and is a member of the Royal Irish Academy. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, the Centre for Relativity, University of Texas at Austin and the School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin. His publications of more than 100 papers and four monographs are in Electrodynamics, Yang-Mills gauge theory from the fibre bundle point of view and general relativity (equations of motion, gravitational waves, exact solutions of Einstein”s equations and cosmology). He has published research carried out in Japan, South Africa, France, Poland and the U.S. He co-authored the book  Frontiers in General Relativity (Springer, 2021). Dirk Puetzfeld is a researcher at Bremen University (Germany). He received his Dipl. Phys. and Dr. rer. nat. degrees from University of Cologne (Germany), both in theoretical physics. He was an assistant professor at Tohoku University (Japan), and a postdoctoral fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics (Germany), University of Oslo (Norway), Iowa State University (USA). His main research interests include gravitational physics, cosmology, relativistic geodesy, as well as computational methods. His publication record encompasses over 50 papers in international journals as well as three books. He co-authored the book Frontiers in General Relativity (Springer, 2021).

4 Ebooks by Dirk Puetzfeld

Dirk Puetzfeld & Claus Lämmerzahl: Relativistic Geodesy
Due to steadily improving experimental accuracy, relativistic concepts – based on Einstein’s theory of Special and General Relativity – are playing an increasingly important role in modern geodesy. T …
Dirk Puetzfeld & Claus Lämmerzahl: Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity
 The present volume aims to be a comprehensive survey on the derivation of the equations of motion, both in General Relativity as well as in alternative gravity theories. The topics covered rang …
Peter A. Hogan & Dirk Puetzfeld: Frontiers in General Relativity
This book discusses some of the open questions addressed by researchers in general relativity. Photons and particles play important roles in the theoretical framework, since they are involved in anal …
Peter A. Hogan & Dirk Puetzfeld: Exact Space-Time Models of Gravitational Waves
The book is about exact space-time models of the gravitational fields produced by gravitational radiation. The authors’ extensive work in the field is reviewed in order to stimulate the study of such …