The health technology has become a hot topic in academic research. It employs the theory of social networks into the different levels of the prediction and analysis and has brought new possibilities for the development of technology. This book is a descriptive summary of challenges and methods using disease identification with various case studies from diverse authors across the globe. One of the new buzzwords in healthcare sector that has become popular over years is health infor...
The health technology has become a hot topic in academic research. It employs the theory of social networks into the different levels of the prediction and analysis and has brought new possibilities for the development of technology. This book is a descriptive summary of challenges and methods using disease identification with various case studies from diverse authors across the globe. One of the new buzzwords in healthcare sector that has become popular over years is health informatics. Healthcare professionals must deal with an increasing number of computers and computer programs in their daily work. With rapid growth of digital data, the role of analytics in healthcare has created a significant impact on healthcare professional’s life. Improvements in storage data, computational power and paral- lelization has also contributed to uptake this technology. This book is intended for use by researchers, health informatics professionals, academicians and undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in knowing more about health informatics. It aims to provide a brief overview about informatics, its history and area of practice, laws in health informatics, challenges and technologies in health informatics, applica- tion of informatics in various sectors and so on. Finally, the research avenues in health informatics along with some case studies are discussed.