Donovan R. Walling is a writer, editor, educator, and consultant. He serves as a senior consultant for the Center for Civic Education. He has taught art, English, and journalism in the United States and abroad and has worked as a curriculum administrator in public school districts in Wisconsin and Indiana. From 1993 until 2006 he was director of publications for the education association Phi Delta Kappa International.Walling is the author or editor of more than a dozen professional books for educators and numerous articles and other publications. He is nationally recognized in the field of art education, where some of his publications include Under Construction: The Role of the Arts and Humanities in Postmodern Schooling (Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1997); the Corwin Press books, Rethinking How Art Is Taught: A Critical Convergence (2000) and Visual Knowing: Connecting Art and Ideas Across the Curriculum (2005); the core chapter on visual and performing arts for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s Curriculum Handbook (2002), and the “Art in the Schools” entry for Macmillan’s Encyclopedia of Education (2003).Walling’s recent books include Public Education, Democracy, and the Common Good (Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 2004) and Teaching Writing to Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners (Corwin Press, 2006).
7 Ebooks by Donovan R. Walling
Donovan R. Walling: Writing for Understanding
‘While we have all heard of ′writing across the curriculum areas, ′ Walling gives us an understanding of what this really means and provides examples that any teacher can modify to expand lessons to …
Donovan R. Walling: Visual Knowing
‘Offers exciting information organized and presented in a format that is easy to read, understand, and to use in the classroom . . . accessible to teachers in all the subject areas.’ Pamela Fannin Wi …
Donovan R. Walling: Teaching Writing to Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners
‘As a writing teacher for twenty-some years, I wish I′d had access to this material.’ -Marilee Sprenger, Educational Consultant Seattle Pacific University ‘Helps teachers see how to approach writing …
Donovan R. Walling: Designing Learning for Tablet Classrooms
The versatile, cost-effective technology of the tablet computer has proved to be a good fit with the learning capabilities of today’s students. Not surprisingly, in more and more classrooms, the tabl …
Donovan R. Walling: Writing for Understanding
"While we have all heard of ‘writing across the curriculum areas, ‘ Walling gives us an understanding of what this really means and provides examples that any teacher can modify to expand lesson …
Donovan R. Walling: Visual Knowing
"Offers exciting information organized and presented in a format that is easy to read, understand, and to use in the classroom . . . accessible to teachers in all the subject areas."Pamela …
Donovan R. Walling: Teaching Writing to Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners
"As a writing teacher for twenty-some years, I wish I’d had access to this material." -Marilee Sprenger, Educational Consultant Seattle Pacific University "Helps teachers see how to ap …