JANE H.M. TAYLOR is Emeritus Professor of French at Durham University.
3 Ebooks by Edward H. Roesner
Eglal Doss-Quinby & E. Jane Burns: Cultural Performances in Medieval France
A celebration of the groundbreaking achievements of Nancy Freeman Regalado in the field of medieval French literature. This collection of essays pays tribute to Nancy Freeman Regalado, a ground-break …
Edward H. Roesner: Ars antiqua
The ars antiqua began to be mentioned in writings about music in the early decades of the fourteenth century, where it was cited along with references to a more modern ‘art’, an ars nova. It was unde …
Edward H. Roesner: Ars antiqua
The ars antiqua began to be mentioned in writings about music in the early decades of the fourteenth century, where it was cited along with references to a more modern ‘art’, an ars nova. It was unde …