Pengarang: Elaine Clanton Harpine

Elaine Clanton Harpine, Ph.D., is a motivational psychologist specializing in group counseling and motivational program design. She has 34 years of experience designing and conducting motivational programs for children and youth. Dr. Clanton Harpine earned her doctorate in Educational Psychology, Counseling from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Clanton Harpine has published eight nonfiction books, including No Experience Necessary! which received an Award of Excellence in 1995 and was selected as one of the top five children’s books in its class. Other published children’s writings include a two volume series entitled, Come Follow Me, in 2001, a three-volume family series completed in 2003, and numerous articles for teenagers on peer pressure, coping with failure, alcohol abuse, parents, and suicide. Dr. Clanton Harpine has been interviewed on local early morning TV and radio concerning her workshop “Communication for Married Couples” and has been interviewed on local university radio concerning her work with inner-city at-risk readers. Her research for the past five years has focused on using group-centered motivational interventions with at-risk readers in a motivational efficacy retraining program. Dr. Clanton Harpine designed the motivational reading program called, Camp Sharigan, which she has used extensively in her work and research during the past five years. She is currently teaching Group Therapy and Counseling and Human Growth and Development at the University of South Carolina Aiken and is continuing her research with group-centered interventions and at-risk readers. She was selected for inclusion in Who’s Who of American Women, 2006 and 2007, for her work with children in inner-city neighborhoods.

9 Ebooks by Elaine Clanton Harpine

Elaine Clanton Harpine: Group Interventions in Schools
Children who are labeled at-risk often suffer from severe deficiencies in cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills that, if unaddressed, may lead to limited prospects for future success and well-b …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: Group-Centered Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students
School psychologists, counselors, and educators in the K-12 setting face the daunting responsibility of finding balance between mandated testing, students’ mental-health concerns, and additional acad …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: After-School Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students
After-School Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students offers professionals a detailed framework for developing and enhancing after-school programs. Emphasizing a prevention focus and a group-centered …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: Prevention Groups
This fourth book in the Prevention Practice Kit introduces the topic of prevention groups and illustrates how to apply that definition to real-world settings for counselors, psychologists, mental hea …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: After-School Programming and Intrinsic Motivation
This book examines the eight-year development of the Reading Orienteering Club after-school program, showing how to develop, test, change, and adapt an after-school program to fit the needs of the ch …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: Group-Centered Prevention in Mental Health
This book presents the concept of group-centered prevention and provides explanations and exercises for learning the method and teaching it to others. Detailed studies offer evidence for the continui …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: Teaching At-Risk Students to Read
This Brief provides the theoretical foundation of the Camp Sharigan program, while discussing its practical applications and summarizing research studies. It addresses the question often raised in li …
Elaine Clanton (University of South Carolina, USA) Harpine: Prevention Groups
This fourth book in the Prevention Practice Kit introduces the topic of prevention groups and illustrates how to apply that definition to real-world settings for counselors, psychologists, mental hea …
Elaine Clanton Harpine: Service Learning in Higher Education
This practical guide assists university faculty in developing and implementing service-learning courses and projects across multiple disciplines. It examines how embedding academic service- …