Michael Keane is Professor of Chinese Media, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Curtin University, Australia.
Haiqing Yu is Associate Professor and Vice-Chancellor’s Principal Research Fellow, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University Australia.
Elaine Jing Zhao is Senior Lecturer, School of the Arts and Media, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Susan Leong is Senior Lecturer, Digital Media and Communication, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Monash University Malaysia.
2 Ebooks by Elaine J. Zhao
Michael Keane & Haiqing Yu: China’s Digital Presence in the Asia-Pacific
This book examines China’s digital economy and its reach into the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. It shows how the Asia-Pacific reg …
Michael Keane & Haiqing Yu: China’s Digital Presence in the Asia-Pacific
This book examines China’s digital economy and its reach into the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. It shows how the Asia-Pacific reg …