Pengarang: Elizabeth McCarthy

KEVIN CORSTORPHINE Lecturer in English at the University of Hull, UK DARA DOWNEY IRCHSS Post-doctoral research fellow at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland CHRISTOPHER FRAYLING Rector and Professor of Cultural History at the Royal College of Art in London from 1996-2009, as well as a former Chairman of the Arts Council England, UK MARK JANCOVICH Professor of Film and Television Studies at the University of East Anglia, UK DEREK JOHNSTON Ph.D. Graduate from the University of East Anglia, UK WAYNE KINSEY Consultant Histopathologist in Norwich and Lecturer at the University of East Anglia School of Medicine, UK KIM NEWMAN Novelist, critic and broadcaster LORNA PIATTI-FARNELL Lecturer in Cultural and Communication Studies at Auckland University of Technology, Australia DAVID J. SKAL Author and Documentary Filmmaker

2 Ebooks by Elizabeth McCarthy

Darryl Jones & Elizabeth McCarthy: It Came From the 1950s!
An eclectic and insightful collection of essays predicated on the hypothesis that popular cultural documents provide unique insights into the concerns, anxieties and desires of their times. 1950s pop …
Murphy Bernice M. Murphy & McCarthy Elizabeth McCarthy: Lost Souls of Horror and the Gothic
In recent years horror and gothic themes have penetrated mainstream popular culture in a manner unseen since the horror boom of the 1970s. Primetime television viewers who before might not have shown …