Pengarang: Erika Mendoza

Paolo Zamboni, MD, Ph D, is Professor and Chief of the Vascular Disease Centre at the University of Ferrara, Italy, an investigation and clinical center for vascular disease and translational surgery. Over the past 20 years he has investigated in depth the possibility of restoring venous drainage by saphenous vein-sparing strategies, publishing more than 50 indexed papers and chapters on the topic. Erika Mendoza, MD, Ph D, runs a Vein Office in Germany. Besides her clinical work, she is engaged in basic research into venous reflux and over the past decade she has published a number of publications on anatomy, duplex ultrasound, and physiology of the leg veins. Dr. Mendoza wrote a German handbook on CHIVA that explained the method for self-teaching purposes. For Springer, she authored Duplexultraschall der oberflächlichen Beinvenen (2nd edn., 2013) and co-edited Duplex Ultrasound of Superficial Leg Veins (2014) in cooperation with Dr. Nick Morrison (USA) and Dr.Christopher Lattimer (UK). Sergio Gianesini, MD Ph D, is a surgeon working in the Vascular Disease Centre and Translational Surgery Unit of the University of Ferrara. He has published a number of articles and reviews on the topic of saphenous vein sparing. Looking to the future of such strategies, he is actively investigating the feasibility of using innovative endovenous devices in venous drainage restoration.  

6 Ebooks by Erika Mendoza

Paolo Zamboni & Erika Mendoza: Saphenous Vein-Sparing Strategies in Chronic Venous Disease
This book is designed to equip the reader with a detailed knowledge of the pathophysiology of chronic venous disease and an understanding of the clinical benefits of restoring venous drainage by saph …
Erika Mendoza: Duplexsonographie der oberflächlichen Beinvenen
Jedem Arzt, der Patienten mit Venenerkrankungen betreut, bietet die Duplexsonographie  unerschöpfliches diagnostisches Potenzial, das mit diesem Buch erschlossen werden kann: Die einzelnen Venen …
Erika Mendoza & Christopher R. Lattimer: Duplex Ultrasound of Superficial Leg Veins
This book describes in detail the use of duplex ultrasound for exploration of the superficial veins and their pathology. It has a practical orientation, presenting numerous clinical situations and ex …
Erika Mendoza: Ratgeber Krampfadern, Beinschwellung und Thrombose
In diesem Buch erfahren Betroffene alles Wissenswerte über Krampfadern, Beinschwellung und Beinvenenthrombose: Ursachen der Erkrankung, Krankheitserscheinungen, Unterschiede zu anderen Erkrankungen d …
Erika Mendoza: Duplexsonographie der oberflächlichen Beinvenen
Dieses Buch mit umfangreichem Zusatzmaterial auf CD bietet unerfahrenen Sonographienutzern eine systematische Anleitung zur Duplexsonographie der Beinvenen für die Anwendung in der Praxis. Genauso pr …
Erika Mendoza: Duplexsonographie der oberflächlichen Beinvenen
Das praxisorientierte und reich bebilderte Buch gibt eine anschauliche Einführung in die Duplexsonographie der Beinvenen und  ist zugleich als detailliertes Nachschlagewerk für jeden Arzt intere …