Originally emanating from presentations at an international
conference, this text brings together research and practice
development from three perspectives: practice, management and
education. Within these three sections the book presents a series
of chapters written mainly by practitioners, but some in
collaboration with academics. At the end of each section there is a
commentary by a practitioner, manager or researcher, which aims to
offer a helpful critique on the papers in their section, guiding
the reader to consider other areas of research and practice
At a time when practitioners are being called to produce and use
evidence in their practice, this book should offer a valuable
contribution to that evidence base.
Jadual kandungan
Foreword Fiona Smith.
Part 1 – Perspectives on Education – Helen Langdon
Chapter 1 Defining a framework for advancing clincial
practice – Faith Giobson and Louise Hooker.
Chapter 2 Specialist nurse: identified professional role
or personal agenda? – Jane Hunt.
Chapter 3 The development of nursing roles in a day-care
setting – Louise Soanes, Karen Bravery, Julie Bayliss, Faith Gibson
and Emmie Parsons.
Chapter 4 Developing clinical competencies – Faith Gibson
and Louise Soanes.
Chapter 5 Peace: paediatric education, active
contribution, evolution – Julianne Hall, Wilma Stuart and Louise
Chapter 6 Developing roles in paediatric oncology: a case
study – Monica Hopkins and Karen Selwood.
Part 2 Perspectives on the Service – Janet Williss.
Chapter 7 Setting up an adolescent service – Sue Morgan
and Diane Hubber.
Chapter 8 Semen collection in adolescents with cancer –
Neil Shaw, Howard Wilford and Beth Sepion.
Chapter 9 Teenagers’ inforamtion needs – Louise
Chapter 10 Shared Care – Beth Sepion.
Chapter 11 A survey of staffing levels – Rachel Hollis,
Alison Arnfield and Guy Makin.
Part 3 Perspectives on Care Tom Devine.
Chapter 12 A delphi survey: establishing nursing research
priorities – Louise Soanes, Faith Gibson, Julie Bayliss and Julia
Chapter 13 Development of an oral care protocol – Faith
Gibson and Sharon Hayden.
Chapter 14 Cancer-related fatique in teenagers: a journey
of discovery – Jackie Edwards, Faith Gibson and Beth Sepion.
Chapter 15 The experience of children with central venous
catheter – Linda Sanderson.
Chapter 16 Disease and treatment-related distress among
children aged 4-7 years: parent and nurse perceptions – Mariann
Hedstrom and Louise von Essen.
Chapter 17 Parental home administration of cytosine
chemotherapy – Pippa Chesterfield.
Mengenai Pengarang
Faith Gibson, Lecturer in Children’s Nursing Research, institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital and King’s College London, London.
Louise Soanes, Senior Sister for Children’s Services, Mc Elwain Ward, The Royal Marsden Hospital, Downs Road, Surrey.
Beth Sepion is the editor of Perspectives in Paediatric Oncology Nursing, published by Wiley.
The editors have extensive experience of paediatric cancer nursing practice, education and research and are established authors in the field of oncology nursing. Each has contributed to a large number of successful texts and journals and has well-established links with the UK, European and international cancer nursing community.