The two-volume
Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture bridges the gap between monograph and survey text by providing a new level of access and interpretation to Islamic art. The more than 50 newly commissioned essays revisit canonical topics, and include original approaches and scholarship on neglected aspects of the field.
- This two-volume Companion showcases more than 50 specially commissioned essays and an introduction that survey Islamic art and architecture in all its traditional grandeur
- Essays are organized according to a new chronological-geographical paradigm that remaps the unprecedented expansion of the field and reflects the nuances of major artistic and political developments during the 1400-year span
- The Companion represents recent developments in the field, and encourages future horizons by commissioning innovative essays that provide fresh perspectives on canonical subjects, such as early Islamic art, sacred spaces, palaces, urbanism, ornament, arts of the book, and the portable arts while introducing others that have been previously neglected, including unexplored geographies and periods, transregional connectivities, talismans and magic, consumption and networks of portability, museums and collecting, and contemporary art worlds; the essays entail strong comparative and historiographic dimensions
- The volumes are accompanied by a map, and each subsection is preceded by a brief outline of the main cultural and historical developments during the period in question
- The volumes include periods and regions typically excluded from survey books including modern and contemporary art-architecture; China, Indonesia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Sicily, the New World (Americas)
Jadual kandungan
Volume I. From the Prophet to the Mongols
A. Introduction to the Two Volumes of A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture
1. Frameworks of Islamic Art and Architecture: Concepts, Approaches and Historiographies
Finbarr B. Flood and Gülru Necipoğlu
B. The Early Caliphates, Umayyads, and end of Late Antiquity (650-750)
2. The Material Culture of pre- and early Islamic Arabia
Barbara Finster
3. The Formation of Religious and Caliphal Identity in the Umayyad Period: The Evidence of the Coinage
Luke Treadwell
4. The Early Qur’an and the Sacred Art of Late Antiquity
Alain George
5. Sacred Spaces in Early Islam
Mattia Guidetti
C. Abbasids and the Universal Caliphate (750-900)
6. The Origins of Islamic Urbanism: The Royal City in the Umayyad and Abbasid Periods
Alastair Northedge
7. Samarra and Abbasid Ornament
Marcus Milwright
8. China among Equals: The China-Abbasid Ceramics Trade
Hsueh-man Shen
D. Fragmentation and the Rival Caliphates of Cordoba, Cairo, and Baghdad (900- 1050)
9. The Three Caliphates, a Comparative Approach
Glaire D. Anderson and Jennifer Pruitt
10. Early Islam on the East African Coast
Mark Horton
11. Textiles and Identity
Jochen Sokoly
E. “City States” and the Later Baghdad Caliphate (1050-1250)
12. The Resurgence of the Baghdad Caliphate
Yasser Tabbaa
13. Turko-Persian Empires between Anatolia and India
Howard Crane and Lorenz Korn
14. Bridging Seas of Sand and Water: The Berber Dynasties of the Islamic Far West
Abigail Balbale
15. Sicily and the Staging of Multiculturalism
Lev Kapitaikin
16. Transculturation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Scott Redford and Eva Hoffman
17. Patronage and the Idea of an Urban Bourgeoisie
Anna Contadini
18. The Social and Economic Life of Metalwork
James Allan and Ruba Kana’an
19. Ceramics and Circulation
Oliver Watson
20. Figural Ornament in Medieval Islamic Art
Oya Pancaroğlu
21. Medieval Islamic Amulets, Talismans and Magic
Venetia Porter, Liana Saif, and Emilie Savage-Smith
22. The Discovery and Rediscovery of the Medieval Islamic Object
Avinoam Shalem
Volume II: From the Mongols to Modernism
A. “Global” Empires and the World-System (1250-1450)
23. Architecture and Court Cultures of the Fourteenth Century
Bernard O’Kane
24. Islamic Architecture and Ornament in China
Nancy S. Steinhardt
25. Chinese and Turko-Mongol Elements in Ilkhanid and Timurid Arts
Part 1
Yuka Kadoi
Part 2.
Tomoko Masuya
26. Persianate Arts of the Book in Iran and Central Asia
David J. Roxburgh
27. Diversification of Qur’an Manuscripts from Spain to China
Priscilla Soucek
28. Locating the Alhambra: A Fourteenth-Century “Islamic” Palace and its “Western” Contexts
Cynthia Robinson
29. Architectural Patronage and the Rise of the Ottomans
Zeynep Yurekli
30. Islam beyond Empires: Mosques and Islamic Landscapes in India and the Indian Ocean
Elizabeth Lambourn
31. The Deccani Sultanates and their Interregional Connections
Phillip B. Wagoner and Laura Weinstein
B. Early Modern Empires and their Neighbors (1450-1700)
32. In Search of the Timurid Roots of Mughal Architecture
Lisa Golombek and Ebba Koch
33. Istanbul, Isfahan, and Delhi: Imperial Designs and Urban Experiences in the Early Modern Era
Sussan Babaie and Çiğdem Kafescioğlu
34. Painting, from Royal to Urban Patronage
Christiane Gruber and Emine Fetvacı
35. Objects of Consumption: Mediterranean Interconnections of the Ottomans and Mamluks
Tülay Artan
36. Safavid Arts and Diplomacy in the Age of the Renaissance and Reformation
Part 1
Massumeh Farhad
Part 2
Marianna Shreve Simpson
37. Carpets, Textiles, and Trade in the Early Modern Islamic World
Walter B. Denny
38. Trade, Politics, and Sufi Synthesis in the Formation of Southeast Asian Islamic Architecture
Imran bin Tajudeen
39. Mudejar Americano: Iberian Aesthetic Transmission in the New World
Thomas F.B. Cummins and María Judith Feliciano
C. Modernity, Empire, Colony and Nation (1700-1950)
40. Beyond the Taj Mahal: Late Mughal Visual Culture
Chanchal Dadlani and Yuthika Sharma
41. Kings and Traditions in Différance: Antiquity Revisited in Post-Safavid Iran
Talinn Grigor
42. Public Sphere in the Eastern Mediterranean
Shirine Hamadeh
43. “Jeux de miroir”: Architecture in Istanbul and Cairo from Empire to Modernism
Nebahat Avcıoğlu and Mercedes Volait
44. Islamic Art in the Islamic Lands: Museums and Architectural Revivalism
Wendy Shaw
45. Islamic Art in the West: Categories of Collecting
Stephen Vernoit
46. Islamic Arts and the Crisis of Representation in Modern Europe
Rémi Labrusse
D. Islam, Art, and the Contemporary (1950-Present)
47. Resonance and Circulation: The Category “Islamic Art and Architecture”
Heghnar Watenpaugh
48. Dubai, Anyplace: Histories of Architecture in the Contemporary Middle East
Kishwar Rizvi
49. Translations of Architecture in West Asia during the Twentieth Century
Esra Akcan
50. Calligraphic Abstraction
Iftikhar Dadi
51. Articulating the Contemporary
Anneka Lenssen and Sarah Rogers
Mengenai Pengarang
Finbarr Barry Flood is William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of the Humanities at the Institute of Fine Arts and Department of Art History, New York University. He publishes on late antiquity, Islamic architectural history and historiography, transcultural dimensions of Islamic art, image theory, museology, and Orientalism. His books include The Great Mosque of Damascus: Studies on the Makings of an Umayyad Visual Culture (2000), and Objects of Translation: Material Culture and Medieval ‘Hindu-Muslim’ Encounter, (2009), awarded the 2011 Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Prize of the Association for Asian Studies.
Gülru Necipoğlu is Aga Khan Professor of Islamic Art at the Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University. She publishes on architecture and architectural practice, aesthetics of ornament and figural representation, cross-cultural exchanges, and Islamic art historiography. Her books include Architecture, Ceremonial and Power: The Topkapi Palace (1991); The Topkapi Scroll, Geometry and Ornament in Islamic Architecture (1995) which won the Albert Hourani and Spiro Kostoff awards; and The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire (2005), winner of the Fuat Köprülü award and the Albert Hourani honorable mention award. She edits the journal Muqarnas and its Supplements.