Not The Fellowship. Dragons Welcome! is the sixth Call for Papers of Academia Lunare, the non-fiction arm of Luna Press Publishing.
This call was created to foreground Middle-earth characters, across ages and races, who may not be as familiar as the fellowship.
Featuring papers from:
Amie A. Brochu (Treebeard), Brendan Dyer (Glorfindel), Dawn M. Walls- Thumma (nerdanel), Angela P. Nicholas (Finrod Felagund), Enrico Spadaro and Mauro Toninelli (The Gaffer), Elise Caemasache Mc Kenna (Túrin Turambar), Jyrki Korpua (Túrin Turambar), Renée Vink (Tal-Elmar), Catherine A. Coundjeris (Éowyn), Scott Chaussée (The Last Prince of Cardolan) and A J Dalton (Smaug).
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Introduction - Francesca T Barbini (Editor)
Steward of Trees and Forests: Treebeard’s Symbolic Role in Folklore, Environmental Protection and Eco-Critical Awareness. Amie A. Brochu
Glorfindel: Tolkien’s Intertextual Link Between the First and the Third Age. Brendan Dyer
Cartography of a Character: On (Re)Writing Nerdanel. Dawn M. Walls-Thumma
Finrod Felagund: His Life, Influence and Legacy. Angela P. Nicholas
The Gaffer: Between Cabbages and Potatoes. Enrico Spadaro and Mauro Toninelli
The Dyscatastrophe of Túrin Turambar. Elise Caemasache Mc Kenna
‘Master of Fate, yet by fate mastered’ – Tolkien’s Túrin Turambar and Kalevala’s Kullervo. Jyrki Korpua
Tal-Elmar: Tolkien’s Unrepresented Natives. Renée Vink
Éowyn as Light Bearer. Catherine A. Coundjeris
The Last Prince of Cardolan: Memory and mediation in the mortuary archaeology of Middle-earth. Scott Chaussée
What is so fabulous about Smaug? A J Dalton