Pengarang: Fred Brown

To God be the glory, with decades of experience in the area of overcoming human adversity. Personal challenges along with the process of growing up in an impoverished household, has more than allowed him enough wherewith all to produce this work. His life with its series of calamities has catapulted him into the portal of faith. Faith in a God who is not revealed through natural eyes, but eyes of the unseen, through the portal of FAITH! As he ponders over this first work, he is reminded of March 3rd 1994, crying out to this unseen God he never believed existed, let alone wanted to have anything to do with a no good wretch like he! He distinctively remembers these exact same words as he lays crying, tears pouring from his soul, on the church floor where he attended services. “God, he doesn’t care about the physical & verbal abuse suffered at the hands of his earthly father. He doesn’t care about being humiliated and laughed to scorn for wearing hand me downs to grade school with holes in his shoes and clothes, told by his peers and adults “You and your family will NEVER amount to NOTHING good” He doesn’t care about the sexual abuse that he suffered repeatedly at a young and impressionable age. He only cares about having this unseen God reveal Himself onto him TODAY, He promises with this revelation, that “he will serve Him, the rest of his life” Amen! It is with His direction this work is birthed, To God be the Glory! To contact the author PLEASE: Visit us on facebook at hopeforahopelesssociety or email us @ [email protected]

5 Ebooks by Fred Brown

Fred Brown: Hope for a Hopeless Society
Whatsoever things are good and lovely and of a good report, think on, meditate on these things! With that premise in mind, Hope for a Hopeless Society was born. This work was birthed through great …
Fred Brown & Roger Hull: Virology
A comprehensive dictionary describing all known viruses of animal and plants. It describes terms commonly used in virology as well as cell lines and chemicals used in organizations and the techniques …
Fred Brown: Money and Murda
Money grew up in one of the most dangerous projects in Brooklyn. With the help of his right hand man, he became a boss of a multi-million dollar drug ring. He supplied over 70% of the cocaine in New …
Fred Brown: Media Ethics
Closely organized around the Society of Professional Journalists’ code of ethics — the news industry’s widely accepted ‘gold standard’ of journalism principles — this updated edition uses real-life c …
Fred Brown & Harry Moore: Disappearing Appalachia in Tennessee
Stepping through time to past and present communities, settled in deep hollows and surrounded by ridges and mountains in Tennessee’s Appalachia, is to confront a different and disappearing realm. …