George R. Newkome received his BS and Ph D in chemistry from Kent State University. He joined Louisiana State University in 1968 becoming a full professor in 1978 and Distinguished Research Master in 1982. In 1986, he moved to the University of South Florida as Vice President for Research and Professor of Chemistry, becoming a Distinguished Research Professor in 1992. In 2001, he was appointed as Oelschlager Professor of Science & Technology at the University of Akron, where he is also Professor of Polymer Science and Chemistry, Vice President for Research, Dean of the Graduate School, and President of the University”s Research Foundation. His research is currently focused on supra- macro -molecular chemistry, molecular assemblies, nanochemistry, inorganic-organic interfaces, molecular inclusion chemistry, molecular electronics, and photonics.
Charles N. Moorefield is a Senior Research Scientist at The University of Akron in Ohio. He holds a Ph D in Organic Chemistry. He has authored and co-authored multiple publications, co-authored two books, and delivers scientific presentations around the world.
12 Ebooks by Fritz Vogtle
George R. Newkome & Charles N. Moorefield: Dendritic Molecules
The first book on dendrimers! The authors, pioneers in this scientific field, describe basic principles and current developments in the rapidly evolving field of dendrimer research. All aspects of th …
Fritz Vögtle & Gabriele Richardt: Dendrimer Chemistry
Written by internationally acclaimed authors, this textbook contains everything you need to know about this versatile class of compounds. Starting with a historical overview, definitions and other fu …
Fritz Vögtle & Peter Ksoll: Marie Curie
Marie Curie (1867 – 1934) begründete die Radiologie und die Radiochemie und entdeckte die Elemente Polonium und Radium. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Pierre legte sie den Grundstein für die Radioaktivität …
Fritz Vögtle & Gabriele Richardt: Dendritische Moleküle
Dieses Buch – als erstes in deutscher Sprache – gibt eine Gesamtübersicht über dendritische Moleküle. Ausgehend von der Definition und Nomenklatur über Struktur, Synthese, Analytik und Funktion wird …
Fritz Vogtle: Dendrimers III
Following the first two volumes "Dendrimers" (TCC vol. 197) and "Dendrimers II" (TCC vol. 210), the third volume dealing with this topic is now appearing in print (the "tetra …
Fritz Vogtle: Dendrimers
Dendrimers are a class of highly branched molecules that combine the properties of polymers and small discrete molecules. One classified among the exotic molecules of chemistry, dendrimers have attra …