Pengarang: Georgi Kapriev

Alexander Brungs hat in Erlangen zu Thomas von Aquin promoviert. Er war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an den Universitäten Erlangen, Freiburg i. Br. und Zürich.

3 Ebooks by Georgi Kapriev

Constantinos Athanasopoulos & Alexandros Chouliaras: Analogia
Analogia is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the scholarly exposition and discussion of the theological principles of the Christian faith. A distinguishing feature of this journal will b …
John Breck & Gayle E. Woloschak: Analogia
“…post-modern thought allowed the emergence of the question of Metaphysics again. This also makes possible a rethinking of the science-theology relation in a new light. The aim of this v …
Gerasim Petrinski: The Image of the Demon in Byzantium: Philosophical and Mythological Origins
The image of the medieval and Renaissance demon attracts the interest of historians, philosophers, anthropologists, and many other scholars because of its huge impact on significant social and politi …