Gilberto Lopes, with this profound and provocative study based on an ingenious imaginary dialogue between Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) and Karl Marx (1818-1883) on democracy, presents us with a disturbing work on one of the most important debates in today’s political world.
This work arises from a practical concern, from a life experience and a political restlessness, but also from a theoretical curiosity to make a journey inspired by the work of these two great thinkers who approached the history of their time with particular acuity and erudition.
The relevance of the approaches presented here is evident as we face, day by day, the challenges that the ‘democracy’ of today’s world must confront: growing inequality, greater concentration of wealth, absurd wars and ever deeper and more widespread environmental deterioration.
Faced with the state of political and economic confusion that reigns everywhere, Gilberto Lopes proposes, in a renewed and necessary debate on democracy and socialism, to glimpse the signs of progress on the road to equality suggested by Tocqueville as the great engine of history.
This book aims to help us successfully reach the end of that road.
Mengenai Pengarang
Gilberto Lopes (Rio de Janeiro, 1948) has worked with the most international media, agencies and radio, during the years of the wars in Central America.
With studies in Economics, he graduated in History and Journalism at the University of Costa Rica, where obtained a master’s degree in Political Science and, more recently, a Ph.D. in Society and Culture Studies.
Author of a book on the war in El Salvador has also published ‘Political Crisis of the Modern World’.