Pengarang: Gilberto Santos

João Matias is Full Professor of the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT), University of Aveiro, Portugal and a member of the University of Aveiro Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP). His areas of research focus in industrial engineering and management and sustainability, particularly smart and sustainable management systems. He has collaborated as editor and reviewer with many journals and international conferences. He is author or co-author of more than 250 articles published in several international books, journals and congress proceedings.   Carina Pimentel is an Industrial Engineering Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT) of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She is also the director of the Master’s degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at the same university. She is a researcher at the Decision Support Systems group of the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP) and of the Research and Development Unit for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (UNIDEMI). Her main research interests are in the areas of operations management, logistics, supply chain management and operational research areas, including lean production, production planning and scheduling, urban logistics, supply chain sustainability, and supply chain performance measurement. Recently she has been also researching the links between Industry 4.0 and the above mentioned areas.   João Reis is an Assistant Professor of Services, Operations and Supply Chain Management at Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal. In recent years, he has been conducting scientific research in the fields of service science, industrial engineering and operations management. He is a research fellow at the Research Center on Industrial Engineering, Management and Sustainability (EIGe S) and at the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy (GOVCOPP).   Joana Costa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Management Industrial Engineering, and Tourism (DEGEIT) at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She is a member of the Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy research unit (GOVCOPP), working on the research group on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Sustainability. At present, she is developing several works in economics of innovation, entrepreneurship dynamics, regional development, social responsibility and public policy.   Manuel Gilberto Santos is a Professor at the School of Superior Design at Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal. He is author of several scientific articles in national and international journals. His research interests are in the field of mechanical and industrial engineering including product development, quality, environment, safety, social responsibility and innovation, as well as, the integration of management systems towards the sustainability of organizations.

15 Ebooks by Gilberto Santos

Gilberto Santos: Como me gustaría que me hubiera conocido
¿Sería posible enamorarse de alguien que ya se fue? Lucas y Lauro nunca se conocieron, no en esta vida … Pero lo que sólo sería un viaje de vacaciones descomprometidas en el interior de São Paulo d …
Gilberto Santos: How I wish you had known me
Is it possible to fall in love with someone who’s already gone? Lucas and Lauro never met, not in this life… But what would only be an uncompromising holiday trip in the interior of Sao Paulo turns …
Gilberto Santos: Other Side of the Poet
Who has never allowed themselves to think good and bad, be beautiful and ugly, even if everything costs a price, this book comes to show that we have both sides, even when we don’t want to, the thoug …
Gilberto Santos: There Are Ten Million of Poetries After
The author invites us to think about the life and also instigates and surprising us with his creativity, beyond his style.Besides this, we can admire this work as a gift, that is the awakening throug …
Gilberto Santos: El otro lado del poeta
Este es un libro de poesías que camina por diversas vías de entre ella la que más me impresionó fue la vía espiritual en que el autor descontent con la falta de amor en la tierra y sabiendo que este …
Gilberto Santos: Hay diez millones de poesías después
Poesía moderna latinoamericana. Una selección de poema donde el escritor Gilberto silva vuelca su pasión, optimismo y pesismo, sobre el mundo actual y que vendrá …
João Carlos de Oliveira Matias & Carina Maria Oliveira Pimentel: Quality Innovation and Sustainability
This book provides various approaches to complex industrial problems in sustainability, operations management and industrial engineering. It features in-depth research presented by academics, scholar …
Gilberto Santos: O Outro Lado Do Poeta
Quem nunca se permitiu em pensar o bom e o ruim, ser bonito e feio, mesmo que tudo custe um preço, este livro vem mostrar que temos os dois lados, mesmo quando não queremos, os pensamentos do outro l …
Gilberto Santos: Solteiro Na Vida
O melhor casamento pode acreditar é aquele que para muitos não estava nos planos, mas um casamento feito com a poesia é praticamente perfeito. Das E-Book Solteiro Na Vida wird angeboten von Clube de …
Gilberto Santos: Crônicas De Um Dia Inteiro
O autor convida você a participar de um dia de pensamentos que fazem parte do nosso universo, descubra as verdades deste livro que irá mostrar que colocar as ideias em dia podem trazer paz e alivio, …
Gilberto Santos: Crônicas & Poesias
Depois do primeiro livro da série Crônicas de um dia inteiro o autor vem nos brindar com outro livro seguindo a mesma roupagem, através do seu texto abordando temas do dia a dia ele promete neste seg …
Gilberto Santos: Se Penso Logo Escrevo
Se penso logo existo, se penso logo escrevo, o ser humano é feito de pensamentos que povoam a mente. A sua existência vem a ser uma vida inteira de ações justificadas em pensamentos e ações. …
Gilberto Santos: Há Dez Milhoes De Poesias Depois
Gilberto Santos Natural do Rio de Janeiro, Gilberto Santos é um autor independente que tenta conquistar o leitor através de suas poesias. Com um estilo próprio, o autor destaca em sua obra um pouco d …
Gilberto Santos: Poeticamente
Na vida ou na ficção não sabemos ao certo separar a verdade da realidade, então o melhor é darmos asas a nossa imaginação e poetizar a vida. Uma vida poeticamente correta é o que este livro nos propõ …
Gilberto Santos: Poesiadigital
O futuro da linguagem nunca adormeceu, pelo o contrário, a vida se encheu de vaidade e poetizou o que nunca havia sido antes pensado. Poesiadigital, a vida no futuro da palavra. …