Pengarang: Giorgio Venturi

Gabriele Lolli is Professor of Philosophy of Mathematics at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, after a career in Mathematical Logic. His main present interests concern the origin of set theory, mathematical proof and the relations between mathematics and literature. Among his recent publications are QED. Fenomenologia della dimostrazione, Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 2005; “Experimental methods in proofs”, in R. Lupacchini, G. Corsi (eds.), Deduction, Computation, Experiment, Springer, 2008; Nascita di un”idea matematica, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa, 2013; “Mathematics according to Calvino”, in M. Emmer (ed.), Imagine Math2, Springer, 2013. Marco Panza is Research Director at the CNRS and member of the IHPST (CNRS and Univ. of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne). He is the author of several books and papers and the editor of several collective volumes in the domains of history and philosophy of mathematics. For the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Sciences, he edited, with M. Otte, Analysis and sinthesis in Mathematics. History and Philosophy (1997). His books include: Newton et les origines de l”analyse, 1664-1666, Blanchard, Paris, 2005, and Plato”s Problem. Introduction to Mathematical Platoinism, Palgrave Mac Millan, Bsingstoke (UK), 2013 (co-authored with Andrea Sereni). Giorgio Venturi is currently a post-doc at CLE (Campinas) and former Ph D student both in philosophy at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, under the supervision of Gabriele Lolli, and in mathematics at the Université Paris Diderot, under the supervision of Boban Velickovic. His main research field is set theory, both from a purely mathematical perspective – he co-authored Velickovic Proper forcing remastered appeared in Appalachian set theory (Cambridge University Press) – and from a philosophical point of view, as in Foundation of mathematics between theory and practiceappeared in Philosophia scientae 18(1), 2014.

1 Ebooks by Giorgio Venturi

Gabriele Lolli & Marco Panza: From Logic to Practice
This book brings together young researchers from a variety of fields within mathematics, philosophy and logic. It discusses questions that arise in their work, as well as themes and reactions that ap …