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Gloria Cappelli and Sabrina Noccetti: Introduction
Part 1: Psychological and Neurobiological Foundations of Language Skills in People with Dyslexia
Chapter 1. Enrico Ghidoni: The Neurobiological Basis of Language Skills and Dyslexia
Chapter 2. Claudia Casalini, Daniela Brizzolara, Anna Maria Chilosi, Filippo Gasperini and Chiara Pecini: Late Effects of Early Language Delay on Complex Language and Literacy Abilities: A Clinical Approach to Dyslexia in
Subjects with a Previous Language Impairment
Chapter 3. Filippo Gasperini: Foreign Language Learning Difficulties in Developmental Dyslexia: A Narrative Review of the Existing Evidence
Part 2: Theoretical and Experimental Linguistic Research on Dyslexia
Chapter 4. Marijan Palmović, Ana Matić, Mirta Zelenika Zeba, Melita Kovačević: Phonological and Lexical Effects on Reading in Dyslexia
Chapter 5. Cristina Burani: Morphemes as Reading and Spelling Units in Developmental Dyslexia
Chapter 6. Rachel Berthiaume, Amélie Bourcier and Daniel Daigle: Morphological Knowledge in French-speaking Children with Dyslexia
Chapter 7. Giovanna Marotta: Developmental Dyslexia and Morphosyntactic Competence in Italian Young Adults
Chapter 8. Anna Cardinaletti, Elisa Piccoli and Francesca Volpato: Dyslexia and Syntactic Deficits: Overview and a Case Study of Language Training
Chapter 9. Gloria Cappelli: The Impact of Dyslexia on Lexico-Semantic Skills: An Overview
Chapter 10. Gloria Cappelli, Sabrina Noccetti, Nicoletta Simi, Giorgio Arcara and Valentina Bambini: Dyslexia and Pragmatic Skills
Part 3: Applied Linguistic Research and Dyslexia
Chapter 11. Sabrina Noccetti: Visual and Auditory Stimuli for Teaching EFL Vocabulary to Learners with Dyslexia
Chapter 12. Francesca Santulli and Melissa Scagnelli: Reading as a Multi-Layer Activity: Training Strategies at Text Level
Chapter 13. Rossella Iovino: Teaching Latin to Dyslexic Learners: A Methodological Proposal
Chapter 14. Joanna Nijakowska: Foreign Language Teacher Training and Preparedness to Teach Learners with Dyslexia