Pengarang: Grazyna Zygadlo

Aleksandra M. Różalska, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Transatlantic and Media Studies, University of Łódź and an Affiliate of the Women”s Studies Centre, University of Łódź, Poland. Apart from studies on television, multiculturalism, and intersectional approaches to visual culture, her research interests include relationships between the media and politics, minority studies as well as reception theories. She has published on images of minorities and women in film and television (American and Polish), media education, as well as on television narratives in the US after 9/11 and in Poland after the 2004 EU enlargement.Grażyna Zygadło, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Transatlantic and Media Studies, and an Affiliate of the Women”s Studies Centre, University of Łódź. Her major areas of expertise are ethnic minorities in the United States, specifically Latinos/as, and border and gender studies. She has been a guest lecturer at the universities in Spain, Finland, Sweden, as well as a recipient of grants from major US universities: University of Idaho, MIT and Florida International University in Miami. She has mostly published on issues of race, ethnicity, class and gender reflected in the works of Chicana writers and activists.

3 Ebooks by Grazyna Zygadlo

Aleksandra M. Rozalska & Grazyna Zygadlo: Narrating American Gender and Ethnic Identities
Narrating American Gender and Ethnic Identities investigates two major issues within contemporary American Studies: cultural representations of various minorities (ethnic, religious, sexual) and of w …
Grazyna Zygadlo: Gloria E. Anzaldua
Gloria E. Anzaldua is a crucial figure in contemporary border and women’s studies. When in 1987 she published her groundbreaking book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, she became one of the m …
Grazyna Zygadlo: Gloria E. Anzaldua
Gloria E. Anzaldua is a crucial figure in contemporary border and women’s studies. When in 1987 she published her groundbreaking book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, she became one of the m …