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Foreword: Why picturebooks matter in secondary education (Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer)
Introduction: Positioning picturebooks in secondary English language teachin...
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Foreword: Why picturebooks matter in secondary education (Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer)
Introduction: Positioning picturebooks in secondary English language teaching (Grit Alter & Thorsten Merse)
Part I: Conceptual Perspectives: Re-negotiating the Status of Picturebooks in Secondary ELT
1 Eco-picturebooks for older learners: Features, selection criteria, and practical suggestions (Theresa Summer)
2 The centrality of conceptual metaphors to a reading of characters’ thoughts and feelings in Shaun Tan’s picturebooks (Markus Oppolzer)
3 ‘It was all very mysterious indeed’ – Addressing the counterpoint effect in Oliver Jeffers’ The Great Paper Caper in the upper secondary classroom (Anne Herlyn)
4 ‘The book really got me’ – Individualized reading of picturebooks in a secondary EFL classroom (Annika Kolb & Heiko Kist)
Part II: Themes, Competences, Literacies
5 (Re-)Envisioning picturebooks for social justice education in advanced classrooms: A critical literacy perspective from Canada (Elena Louloudi)
6 I Dissent – Discussing Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s egalitarian
version of the American Dream at higher secondary level (Katja Heim)
7 Picturebooks matter: Developing citizenship education in the EFL classroom with teenage learners (Helena Lopes)
8 ‘Who’s that man?’ – Stirring teenagers’ curiosity through Peter Sis’s The Wall (Sissil Lea Heggernes)
9 Crack in the classroom: A picturebook about the social
problem of drug abuse and retrospective reflections
from the classroom (Sandie Mourao)
As so often, this started with a cup of coffee… A personal reflection on this publishing process (Grit Alter & Thorsten Merse)