Dr John Stanturf is a former Senior Scientist at the Center for Forest Disturbance Science at the US Forest Service. He is Visiting Professor of Forestry at the Estonian University of Life Sciences and Senior Research at In Nova Silva, a Danish forestry consulting firm. Dr Stanturf received the Distinguished Service Award from the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, an Honorary Doctorate from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, and the US Forest Service Chief”s Honor Award for Distinguished Science for his contribution to forest restoration. He has published widely on forest ecosystem disturbance and restoration around the world.
3 Ebooks by Guillaume Marie
John A. Stanturf: Achieving sustainable management of boreal and temperate forests
- Focuses on advances in understanding forest ecophysiology which underpin good management, including mechanisms of root and canopy development.
- Explores the key challenges in ensurin …
Guillaume Marie: Le profilage au service du football
La préparation physique des joueurs de football est aujourd’hui entreprise en fonction d’une analyse de l’activité réalisée sur deux bases : (1) Les qualités physiques nécessaires pour atteindre un n …
Andreas Schindlbacher & Mathias Mayer: Instant Insights: Carbon monitoring and management in forests
- Explores the interactions between tropical forests and the immediate climate, as well as the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle
- Highlights the development and submi …