Guillaume Merle, Ph D, is Professeur agrégé of Mechanics at Beihang Sino-French Engineer School, Beihang University, Beijing, China, where he supervises the Engineering Science Department and is in charge of the Engineering Science, Engineering Thermodynamics, and Quantum Physics courses.
Oliver J. Harper, Ph D, is Professeur agrégé of Physics at Lycée Saint Lambert, Paris, France, where he teaches physics and chemistry in the Preparatory Classes for the French “Grandes Écoles”.
Philippe Ribière, Ph D, is Professeur agrégé of Physics at Beihang Sino-French Engineer School, Beihang University, Beijing, China, where he supervises the Physics Department and is in charge of the Statistical Physics course.
6 Ebooks by Guillaume Merle
Guillaume Merle & Oliver J. Harper: Solution Manual to Accompany Volume I of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, D iu and Laloë
Dieses Buch enthält die detailliert erläuterten Lösungen zu allen 69 Aufgaben in Band I des wegweisenden Lehrwerks ?Quantum Mechanics? von Cohen-Tannoudji. …
Guillaume Merle & Oliver J. Harper: Solution Manual to Accompany Volume I of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, D iu and Laloë
Dieses Buch enthält die detailliert erläuterten Lösungen zu allen 69 Aufgaben in Band I des wegweisenden Lehrwerks ?Quantum Mechanics? von Cohen-Tannoudji. …
Guillaume Merle & Philippe Ribière: Corrigés des exercices de Mécanique Quantique tome 1
No detailed description available for ‘Corrigés des exercices de Mécanique Quantique tome 1’. Das E-Book Corrigés des exercices de Mécanique Quantique tome 1 wird angeboten von EDP Sciences und wurde …
Oliver J. Harper & Guillaume Merle: Solution Manual to Accompany Volume II of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Lalo
Provides detailed solutions to all 47 problems in the seminal textbook Quantum Mechanics, Volume II With its counter-intuitive premises and its radical variations from classical mechanics or electrod …
Oliver J. Harper & Guillaume Merle: Solution Manual to Accompany Volume II of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Lalo
Provides detailed solutions to all 47 problems in the seminal textbook Quantum Mechanics, Volume II With its counter-intuitive premises and its radical variations from classical mechanics or electrod …
Guillaume Merle & Oliver J. Harper: Corrigés des exercices de Mécanique Quantique tome 2
No detailed description available for ‘Corrigés des exercices de Mécanique Quantique tome 2’. Das E-Book Corrigés des exercices de Mécanique Quantique tome 2 wird angeboten von EDP Sciences und wurde …