Matthias Finger is a Professor Emeritus from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL), a part-time professor at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy, a full professor at Istanbul Technical University (ITÜ) and a research professor at Northern Arctic Federal University (Na RFU), Arkhangelsk, Russia.
Gunnar Rekvig is an Associate Professor at Ui T the Arctic University of Norway (Ui T), Norway, and the 2019-2021 Nansen Professor at the University of Akureyri (UNAK), Iceland. He was an Assistant Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Tokyo, Japan (2018-2019).
2 Ebooks by Gunnar Rekvig
Matthias Finger & Gunnar Rekvig: Global Arctic
The Arctic has become a global arena. This development can only be comprehensively understood from a transdisciplinary perspective encompassing ecological, cultural, societal, economic, industrial, g …
Gunnar Rekvig: The Nordic Peace and Northeast Asia
This book offers a new analysis of the Nordic Peace after its onset in 1814, the year that marks the end to centuries of warfare between the Nordic countries, and the applicability of the Nordi …