Gwen Slade is mom to two sons and a daughter. She is the very proud grandmother of 3 handsome grandsons. Gwen has been a registered nurse for almost 40 years. In 1994, Gwen graduated from the Northern Clinical Program of Outpost Nursing at Mc Master University. For almost 20 years Gwen has worked in remote First Nations and Inuit Communities located in various provinces and territories across our great Canadian north.
Gwen has been a horse lover all her life and a horse owner for over 20 years. In 2002 another goal was realized when she purchased a 115 acre farm and named it Cider River Ranch. Cider River Ranch became home for 5 house cats and 1 barn cat, 6 dogs and 7 horses.
When her horses started to become fatty patties and hunky chunkies, and a few behaviour issues started to surface, Gwen began to question whether or not “we are what we eat” was just as relevant for her horses as it was for her and her family. She soon began to understand and appreciate the synergy between horse and rider did not just begin in the round pen. Creature Comforts for Horses is a chronicle of the journey of discovering the importance of knowing your horse from the inside out.
1 Ebooks by Gwen Slade
Gwen Slade: Creature Comforts for Horses
This is not a book on how to choose a horse. This is not a book on how to train a horse. Neither is it a book on how to ride a horse. It is a book about knowing your horse from the inside out. After …