Tiina Landau is an internationally recognized sustainability expert and Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA). She currently works as Sustainability Manager at Neste Corporation, embedding sustainability considerations into new business models and supply chains. Previously she served as Senior Responsible Investment Officer at Ilmarinen, a pension investor with 50 billion euros in investment assets and was recognized as a top 50 contributor globally in responsible investments among asset owners in the IRRI survey 2017, voted by professionals in 43 countries. In addition, she has previously worked on sustainable investing at OP Financial Group (80 billion euros in investment assets) and in management consulting at KPMG. She has extensive experience as a speaker in media and seminars and also writes a column in the Finnish financial newspaper Kauppalehti.
Hanna Silvola is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Hanken School of Economics, Finland. Her research interests are in sustainable investing and in measuring, reporting and assuring corporate sustainability information in strategic decision-making. She has international experience from the London School of Economics, UK, University of Stanford, USA, Monash University, Australia and the University of New South Wales, Australia. Dr. Silvola has published on a range of topics in accounting in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society; Management Accounting Research; Journal of Small Business Management and Journal of Management Accounting Review. She has comprehensive experience as a speaker in media and executive education.
3 Ebooks by Hanna Silvola
Hanna Silvola & Tiina Landau: Sustainable Investing
This book reviews the latest methods of sustainable investing and financial profit making and describes how ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) analysis can identify future business opportunities …
Theresia Harrer & Othmar M. Lehner: Routledge Handbook of Green Finance
Green finance is heralded in theory and practice as the new panacea – the ideal way to support the green transition of businesses into more sustainable, environmentally responsible forms, by means of …
Theresia Harrer & Othmar M. Lehner: Routledge Handbook of Green Finance
Green finance is heralded in theory and practice as the new panacea – the ideal way to support the green transition of businesses into more sustainable, environmentally responsible forms, by means of …