Fabien Gatti (Montpellier, France) has a background in chemistry and theoretical quantum physics. He has experience in teaching the foundations of quantum mechanics to chemistry students at the bachelor level, advanced quantum mechanics and molecular quantum dynamics to physics and chemistry students at masters level. Gatti often organizes courses on molecular quantum dynamics in summer schools for Ph D students, postdocs and researchers, including practical computer lab sessions, where the participants learn to run their own simulations with the Multi Configuration Time Dependent Hartree program package (MCTDH).
Fabien Gatti it the editor of successful books about Molecular Quantum Dynamics and the MCTDH package, for specialists as well as for practitioners. His latest book “Molecular Quantum Dynamics: From Theory to Applications” is published in Springer’s series “Physical Chemistry in Action” and illustrates the power of this method for actual problems in modern physical-chemicalresearch, containing contributions and examples by the world renowned experts.
Benjamin Lasorne is a collaborator with Fabien Gatti in Montpellier. He has a strong background in physical and theoretical chemistry and teaches theoretical chemistry to bachelor and master’s students in chemistry, as well as theoretical photochemistry using molecular quantum dynamics in summer schools.
Hans-Dieter Meyer (Heidelberg, Germany) has a longstanding experience with the MCTDH methodology. He has a successful collaboration with Fabien Gatti, together with G. Worth they have edited the first book on Multidimensional Quantum Dynamics: MCTDH Theory and Applications.
André Nauts is emeritus Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain, from which he also graduated in pharmacy and with a master’s and Ph D degree in physics. His research interests are in molecular quantum dynamics and spectroscopy. His long teaching experiences spans from mathematics, over basic and statistical physics, to quantum mechanics and molecular physics. In the recent years, an intensive teaching collaboration has connected the activities and courses by André Nauts and Fabien Gatti, combining an introduction to the fundamentals with hands-on practical works in MCTDH example simulations.
3 Ebooks by Hans-Dieter Meyer
Fabien Gatti & Benjamin Lasorne: Applications of Quantum Dynamics in Chemistry
This book explains the usage and application of Molecular Quantum Dynamics, the methodology where both the electrons and the nuclei in a molecule are treated with quantum mechanical calculations. Thi …
Hans-Dieter Meyer & Fabien Gatti: Multidimensional Quantum Dynamics
The first book dedicated to this new and powerful computational method begins with a comprehensive description of MCTDH and its theoretical background. There then follows a discussion of recent exten …
Volker Beckmann & Stephanie Kallendrusch: Prüfungsfragen für die Qualifizierung zum Gebäude-Energieberater.
Die Nachfrage nach qualifizierten Energieberatern mit speziellen Fachkenntnissen steigt stetig an. Um als Energieberater tätig zu werden, muss eine komplexe Prüfung bestanden werden. Dieses Fachbuch …