Pengarang: Hans J. Pirner

Hans J. Pirner is a theoretical physicist, who obtained his degree in the US. After working at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, at CEA Saclay in Paris and at CERN in Geneva, he became professor of physics in Heidelberg in 1988 specializing in particle physics and nuclear physics. In the Marsilius-Kolleg, center of interdisciplinary research in Heidelberg, the problem of “vagueness” in analytic philosophy triggered his research of uncertainty at the edges of science.

2 Ebooks by Hans J. Pirner

Hans J. Pirner: The Unknown as an Engine for Science
This book explores the limits of our knowledge. The author shows how uncertainty and indefiniteness not only define the borders confining our understanding, but how they feed into the process of disc …
Hans J. Pirner: Virtuelle und mögliche Welten in Physik und Philosophie
Was sind mögliche Welten und was haben Entwicklungen der modernen Physik mit Ideen über mögliche Welten in der Philosophie zu tun? In der Beantwortung dieser Fragen entwickelt das vorliegende Werk da …