Pengarang: Harry Edwin Eiss

Harry Edwin Eiss (Ph.D., University of North Dakota) is a full professor at Eastern Michigan University with many publications, including Insanity and Genius, Metaesthetics, Literature for Youth on War and Peace, Dictionary of Mathematical Games, Puzzles and Amusements, and Dictionary of Language Games, Puzzles and Amusements. He has also contributed to and edited numerous books, including Images of the Child, and Children”s Literature and Culture.

3 Ebooks by Harry Edwin Eiss

Harry Eiss: Young Adult Literature and Culture
This book offers a multifaceted approach to the world of young adults, everything from Ray Schrock’s use of Walter Dean Myers’ sports stories to discuss race relations and cultural politics to Joyce …
Harry Eiss: Children’s Literature and Culture
This collection of scholarship on the world of the child offers an eclectic overview of several aspects of youth culture today. The first essay focuses on Donna Williams, Joanna Greenberg, Temple Gra …
Harry Eiss: Electric Sheep Slouching Towards Bethlehem
On Monday, 8:15 a.m., August 6, 1945, the world changed forever. In the single largest act of destruction ever initiated by humans, a bomb with the equivalent force of 20, 000 tons of TNT shattered H …