A thorough knowledge of modern connection-oriented networks is
essential to understanding the current and near-future state of
This book provides a complete overview of connection-oriented
networks, discussing both packet-switched and circuit-switched
networks, which, though seemingly different, share common
networking principles. It details the history and development of
such networks, and defines their terminology and architecture,
before progressing to aspects such as signaling and standards.
There is inclusive coverage of SONET/SDH, ATM networks,
Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), optical networks, access
networks and voice over ATM and MPLS.
Connection-oriented Networks:
* Provides in-depth, systematic coverage of several
connection-oriented networks in a single volume
* Explains topics such as the Generic Framing Procedure, Label
Distribution Protocols, Wavelength Routing Optical Networks,
Optical Burst Switching, and Access Networks in detail
* Illustrates all concepts with problems and simulation projects to
test and deepen your understanding
* Includes an accompanying website with solutions manual and
complete set of Power Point presentations for each chapter
Senior undergraduate and graduate students in telecommunication and
networking courses, as well as networking engineers, will find this
comprehensive guide to connection-oriented packet-switched and
circuit-switched networks useful for their training. The book
presents tried and tested material based on an existing, successful
Jadual kandungan
About the Author.
List of abbreviations.
1. Introduction.
2. SONET/SDH and the Generic Frame Procedure (GFP). .
3. ATM Networks.
4. Congestion Control in ATM Networks.
5. Signaling in ATM Networks.
6. The Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Architecture.
7. Label Distribution Protocols.
8. Optical Fibers and Components.
9. Wavelength Routing Optical Networks.
10. Optical Burst Switching.
11. Access Networks.
12. Voice Over ATM and MPLS.
Mengenai Pengarang
Harry G. Perros is a Professor of Computer Science, an Alumni
Distinguished Graduate Professor, and the Program Coordinator of
the Master of Science degree in Computer Networks at NC State
He received the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics in 1970 from Athens
University, Greece, the M.Sc. degree in Operational Research with
Computing from Leeds University, England, in 1971, and the Ph.D.
degree in Operations Research from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland,
in 1975. He ahs held visiting faculty positions at INRIA,
Rocquencourt, France (1979), NORTEL, Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina (1988-89 and 1995-96) and University of Paris 6, France
(1995-96, 2000, and 2002).
He has published numerous papers in the area of performance
modeling of computer and communication systems, and he has
organized several national and international conferences. He has
also published two print books: Queueing Networks with Blocking:
Exact and Approximate Solutions, Oxford Press 1994, An
Introduction to ATM Networks, Wiley 2002, and an e-book
Computer Simulation Techniques – The Definitive
Introduction, 2002 (available through his Web site).
In 1995, he founded the IFIP Working Group 6.3 on the
Performance of Communication Systems, and he was the
chairman from 1995 to 2002. As of 2004, he is the chairman of the
IFIP Working Group 6.10 on Optical Networks. He is also a
member of IFIP Working Groups 6.2, and 7.3, and an IEEE Senior
Member. In addition, he is an associate Editor for the
Performance Evaluation Journal, and the
Telecommunications Systems Journal. His current research
interests are in the area of optical networks. In his free time he
likes to go sailing on the Aegean, a Pearson 31!