Southern Cultures Volume 20: Number 1 – Summer 2014
Table of Contents
Front Porch
by Jocelyn R. Neal
“One of the challenges—and, simultaneously, deep pleasures—of studying the South is that the disciplinary walls of the academy neither contain nor constrain the work.”
Rewriting Elizabeth
A Life Lost (and Found) in the Annals of Bryce Mental Hospital
by Lindsay Byron
“Her name was never to be spoken. Even upon the lips and within the hearts of her own children, remembrance was forbidden. Silence nearly erased her from history.”
Ghosts, Wreckers, and Rotten Ties
The 1891 Train Wreck at Bostian’s Bridge
by Scott Huffard
“When train number nine on the Western North Carolina Railroad tumbled off Bostian’s Bridge in 1891, it ignited a media frenzy, as well as a firestorm of outrage, a detailed investigation, a compelling mystery, and a series of unanswered questions.”
Photo Essay
Teenage Pastime
by Natalie Minik
“When the unlimited energy of adolescence comes to bear on the limited experience of childhood, the results often swing toward one of two poles—an enthusiastic confirmation of the culture a child grew into or a bold rejection of the culture they grew out of.”
“The Best Notes Made the Most Votes”
W. C. Handy, E. H. Crump, and Black Music as Politics
by Mark A. Johnson
“‘Feet commenced to pat. A moment later there was dancing on the sidewalks below. Hands went into the air, bodies swayed like the reeds on the banks of the Congo.’”
Taking Strong Drink
by Bill Koon
“Some devout Baptists complained that there was too much booze in a mini bottle for one drink; the rest of us complained that there wasn’t enough.”
South Polls
Partisan Change in Southern State Legislatures, 1953–2013
by Christopher A. Cooper and H. Gibbs Knotts
“At mid-century, the South had no Republican senators and only two Republicans in the 105-person southern House delegation. By 2000, [both] delegations were majority Republican.”
Beyond Grits and Gravy
Maggie and Buck
Coal Camps, Cabbage Rolls, and Community in Appalachia
by Donna Tolley Corriher
“Maggie’s neighbor-women saw a young woman just like themselves, with children to feed, trying to build a life, and so they helped her, unquestioning in recognition that she would help them in return. This was so.”
Not Forgotten
Winning Friends and Influencing Dead People
by JL Strickland
“Joe cackled fiendishly, addressing Vernon through the closed lid. ‘Who’s got the last laugh now, big boy?’”
Mason–Dixon Lines
Apple Slices
poetry by Todd Boss
“. . . flavored of tin from
the lip of the cup
of a dented thermos
passed between us—”
Elaine Neil Orr
A Different Sun: A Novel of Africa
reviewed by Fred Hobson
Jennifer Rae Greeson
Our South: Geographic Fantasy and the Rise of National Literature
reviewed by Michael Mc Collum
Angela C. Halfacre
A Delicate Balance: Constructing a Conservation Culture in the South Carolina Lowcountry
reviewed by Brian Grabbatin
About the Contributors
Mengenai Pengarang
Harry L. Watson is Atlanta Alumni Distinguished Professor in UNC’s Department of History and is cofounder, with John Shelton Reed, of
Southern Cultures. Jocelyn Neal is director of UNC’s Center for the Study of the American South and teaches music theory, analysis, and popular music courses. She regularly presents her research at national conferences on American music, popular music, music theory, and cultural studies.