Authorpreneurship is about investing in your creativity to increase your professional opportunities.
Today, a creator needs to be an ‘authorpreneur’: an originator and an entrepreneur. Apart from crafting words and books, or other creative work for specific audiences, this means learning the marketing, publicity, technological, legal and entrepreneurial skills to establish and maintain self-employment in the business of ideas.
The creator is the brand, which is overwhelming, if there’s only you.
This book offers strategies for beginners, mid-career and highly experienced creators needing to adapt to a fast-changing, digital, global industry. It’s about sharing ideas so you can work effectively at what you most enjoy creating, and providing ways to help sell your work for longer, in varied new formats and to larger audiences. Great ideas won’t reach audiences unless the creators can stay in business and survive financially.
Jadual kandungan
Chapter 1: What is Authorpreneurship?
Chapter 2: Profile and Professional Areas
The Author as Brand
Strategic Decisions
Asking for Payment and Costing Your Time
So You Want to Get Published?
From Local to International
Chapter 3: Authorpreneurial Tips and Tricks
Finances, Agents and Legal Stuff
Sales, Marketing and More
The Day to Day
Fans, Reviews, Critics and Privacy
Adaptations, Translations and Judging
Chapter 4: Case Studies
Chapter 5: Hypothetical Scenarios
Chapter 7: Therapy Writing: Map of Serendipity
Chapter 8: Additional Resources
About the Author
Mengenai Pengarang
Educator-author Hazel Edwards OAM has written books for children, teachers and adults. Her best-known publication is the children’s picture book classic There’s a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake (1980), now a series of picture books, classroom play scripts, a musical stage production and a short movie.