Pengarang: Helene Tissieres Tara F. Deubel Scott M. Youngstedt

Tara F. Deubel is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Her research in cultural and applied anthropology focuses on expressive culture, ethnicity and nationalism, gender, refugee studies, and the politics of development and human rights in North and West Africa. Her ethnographic fieldwork examines social memory, identity, and performance among transnational Sahrawi Arab communities across Northwest Africa.Scott M. Youngstedt is Professor of Anthropology at Saginaw Valley State University and President of the West African Research Association. His ethnographic research in Niger and elsewhere in West Africa explores the ways by which migrant Hausa construct communities in diaspora and negotiate personal identities. He is the author of Surviving with Dignity: Hausa Communities of Niamey, Niger (2013). Hélène Tissières is Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the author of Créations et défis au Sénégal: Sembène, Diop, Diadji et Awadi (2013) and Écritures en transhumance entre Maghreb et Afrique subsaharienne (2007), which was published in English (2012) by the University of Virginia Press. She writes on African literature, films and arts, and is a close observer of the Dakar Biennale of Contemporary African Art.

1 Ebooks by Helene Tissieres Tara F. Deubel Scott M. Youngstedt

Tara F. Deubel & Helene Tissieres: Saharan Crossroads
Saharan Crossroads: Exploring Historical, Cultural, and Artistic Linkages between North and West Africa counteracts the traditional scholarly conception of the Sahara Desert as an impenetrable barrie …