This book is about rejecting Hamitic movements in America and the world. The concept came to him after several decades of studies of the most sound literature, resembling Joseph Conrad. He was glad to turn down more passion, getting out of superdiabolical satispassion. The anti-Londonism or anti-Londonianism appealed. This reminded him of his novel of Anette Benning: Frankenstein-Five, which was a Frankenstein novel in the bizarrely distant future of One Million A.D. One Million A.D. was the sequel of it. Anette Benning and the Third Reich, which was a novel of time travel. The Smallest Oasis was a borrowed title of Nietsches Thus Spake Zarathrusta.
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The author, Captain Olof Carlsenesque Henry Porter, or Jason Hurlburt, was born in 1976, in Binghamton, residing in Endicott, New York. He wouldn’t accept any Captain Olof Carlsen-esque religion. Tarantinozilla is a chacter of the biggest human monster. Welleszilla was another novel. Jordanzilla, Jacksonzilla, Pleasancezilla, Karloffzilla, and Seinfeldzilla were based on Neil Jordan and other celebrities. Studio 54 was a novel about the nightclub. Kingzilla and Spielbergzilla were novels of Stephen King and Steven Spielberg. Gleasonzilla and Eastwoodzilla were of Jackie Gleason and Clint Eastwood. Paltrowsaur wasn’t Paltrowzilla. Lilly was another novel of Gweneth Paltrow. His scientific discovery of the big bang holes was of an aperture more vast than the multiverses or universes, which was a genesis of multiverses and universes of gestation of the two. He worked on his Hyphenated Word Dictionary.