Roland Faber is the Kilsby Family/John B. Cobb, Jr., Professor of Process Studies at Claremont Lincoln University and Claremont School of Theology, Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Claremont Graduate University, Executive Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies, and Executive Director of the Whitehead Research Project. His research and publication interests are process philosophy and process theology; (de)constructive theology; poststructuralism (especially Gilles Deleuze); transreligious discourse (epistemology of religious relativity and unity) and interreligious applications (for example, Christianity, Buddhism, Baha”i); comparative philosophy and mysticism (Meister Eckhart, Nicolas of Cusa, Giordano Bruno); and theopoetics, a third space approach to post-structuralist and process theologies, which addresses the liberating necessity of multiplicity. Faber”s publications include God as Poet of the World (2008), Event and Decision (2010), Beyond Metaphysics? (2010), Secrets of Becoming (2011), Butler on Whitehead (2012) and Theopoetic Folds (2013).J. R. Hustwit is Assistant Professor and Chair of the Philosophy and Religion Department at Methodist University in Fayetteville, North Carolina. His research interests include comparative theology, imagination, and philosophical hermeneutics. He is the author of Inter-Religious Hermeneutics and the Pursuit of Truth (2014).Hollis Phelps is Assistant Professor of Religion at Mount Olive College in North Carolina. He is the author of Alain Badiou: Between Theology and Anti-theology (2013).
1 Ebooks by Hollis Phelps Roland Faber J. R. Hustwit
Roland Faber & J. R. Hustwit: Beyond Superlatives
This collection of essays, drawn from the latest generation of Whitehead scholars, explores how, in the deconstruction of certain concepts, an unceasing invitation of possibility and change is releas …