There has been a decided shift towards desiring greater “relevance” in management education by serving the needs of management practice. The importance of a careful defi nition of “relevance” and the retention of a critical perspective needs to be asserted. In this respect, what Hugo Letiche and Geoff Lightfoot have done together, and written up in this book, is an outstanding example of a commitment to restore “relevance” via critical engagement to management pedagogy and practice. Their success is a clear demonstration of the practical relevance of imagination, commitment and scholarship. Prof Heather Hopfl (University of Essex)
Jadual kandungan
Foreword; Introduction: Why Write or Supervise a Practitioner Ph D?; 1. As If Writing Can Make a Difference; 2. Relevance: From politics to Selling and Back Again; 3. The Role of the University: Democracy versus Entrepreneurship; 4. Research Ethics and Methods; 5. The Affect of Being-here; 6. The Content Is the Process; the Process Is the Content; 7. Critical Communitarianism; 8. Take-Aways; Afterword; Bibliography.