Pengarang: Humbert Pierre Humbert

Stéphane Goria is Associate Professor at the University of Lorraine, France. He is member of the Mediation research center (Centre de recherche sur les médiations, Crem) and an expert in creative competitive intelligence. Pierre Humbert is Associate Professor at Université de Lorraine, Information and Communication Sciences Department director and member of the Crem. Benoît Roussel is Associate Professor, member of PEr SEUs laboratory at Université de Lorraine. He is an expert in interdisciplinary innovation process for product/service and organization.

2 Ebooks by Humbert Pierre Humbert

Stephane Goria & Pierre Humbert: Information, Knowledge and Agile Creativity
Information, Knowledge and Agile Creativity will enlighten entrepreneurs, and is ideal for facilitating an organization’s ability to react and adapt to its environment. Creativity is a system that …
Palazzolo Jerome Palazzolo & Humbert Pierre Humbert: Petite histoire de la masturbation
Woody Allen en disait : Apres tout, c’est une facon de faire l’amour avec quelqu’un qu’on aime bien. Sur cette question si personnelle et intime, voici une perspective historique apportee par un …