Ian G. Murray received a Bachelor of Theology in 2013, and has taught the Bible and theology in a wide variety of children’s and youth Christian ministries, ranging from Sunday school to summer camp for over 20 years. Bringing children to God has been his focus for his entire teaching life. Along with his teaching ministries, Ian is also passionate about writing and gaming, which can not only be seen in his first published book (God, Games and My Neighbour: Loving My Neighbour Through Entertainment), but also in his gaming website, Reasoning Gamer (https://reasoninggamer.com). Ian got into gaming as a hobby in college, but it has only been recently that video games have become a tool for talking about Christian truths. Ian lives in Ontario, Canada.
1 Ebooks by Ian G. Murray
Ian G. Murray: God, Games and My Neighbour
How can a Christian respond when asked to go on a virtual shooting spree in Grand Theft Auto? What is a Biblical approach to video games as products of entertainment? Video games have taken the world …