Linda Tellington-Jones is the internationally recognized equine expert who developed the Tellington Method approach to healing, training, and communicating that can be learned and practiced by horsemen and women of all levels. She was honored as the 1994 Horsewoman of the Year by the North American Horsemen”s Association and presented with the ARICP Lifetime Achievement Award, given annually to a person who profoundly affects the equine world in a positive manner. Linda has worked with many top dressage riders from around the world over the course of her career, including Klaus Balkenhol and his daughter Anabel; Ingrid Klimke and her father, the late Dr. Reiner Klimke; Carl Hester; Nicole Uphoff; Kyra Kyrklund; Robert Dover; and Charlotte Bredahl-Baker, to name just a few. Linda is the author of numerous books and DVD programs, including the bestselling “The Ultimate Horse Behavior and Training Book” and “TTouch for Dressage with Klaus Balkenhol and Nicole Uphoff, ” and she routinely travels worldwide teaching her methods. When not on the road, she lives in Hawaii. Rebecca M. Didier is an editor and author, and a writer, blogger, and graphic designer, as well as a lifelong horsewoman. Rebecca has worked at Trafalgar Square Books, the leading publisher of equestrian books and DVDs, since 2002, and has also recently explored the joys of freelance writing and graphic design with her business “Rude Girl Ink & Design.” Rebecca lives in the Boston area with her husband, son, and Redbone Coonhound.
9 Ebooks by Ingrid Klimke
Linda Tellington-Jones: Dressage with Mind, Body & Soul
‘A new approach to the classical methods of training dressage horses–methods that can cause the animals undue physical and emotional distress–these powerful new techniques from world-renowned horse …
Ingrid Klimke: Training Horses the Ingrid Klimke Way
Olympic gold-medal-winner Ingrid Klimke was born under a bright star when it came to fulfilling dreams of equestrian greatness. Her father, the renowned Dr. Reiner Klimke, was an Olympic rider himsel …
Ingrid Klimke & Reiner Klimke: Cavalletti for Dressage and Jumping
Every horse, no matter in what discipline it is ridden, will benefit from working with cavalletti. For Olympic champion Ingrid Klimke, riding over cavalletti is key to success. Cavalletti training im …
Ingrid Klimke & Reiner Klimke: Basic Training of the Young Horse
Over thirty years after the first publication of Reiner Klimke’s classic work comes this new fourth edition, with completely new photos and updated by his daughter, Ingrid. Based on sound practical a …
Ingrid Klimke: Cavaletti
Jedes Pferd, egal in welcher Disziplin es geritten wird, profitiert von der Arbeit mit Cavaletti. Für Olympiasiegerin und Reitmeisterin Ingrid Klimke ist das Reiten über Bodenricks ein Schlüssel zum …
Ingrid Klimke & Reiner Klimke: Grundausbildung des jungen Reitpferdes
Der Name Klimke steht für eine pferdegerechte und vielseitige Ausbildung. Die ersten Monate und Jahre unter dem Sattel legen den Grundstein für die Zukunft eines Reitpferdes. Jedes Pferd, ob es im Sp …
Ingrid Klimke: Cavaletti – Aufbauten und Abmessungen
Für Ingrid Klimke ist das Reiten über Bodenricks ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg beim Pferdetraining. Cavaletti verbessert die Grundgangarten, fördert Takt und Losgelassenheit und steigert zudem die Fitness …
Ingrid Klimke: Reite zu Deiner Freude
Olympiasiegerin und Reitmeisterin Ingrid Klimke stellt erstmals ihre Trainingsphilosophie vor, mit der sie seit Jahren spektakuläre Erfolge feiert. Basis ihrer positiven und pferdegerechten Methode i …
Ingrid Klimke: Reiten im Gelände
Vielseitigkeitsreiterin Ingrid Klimke ist DIE Expertin für das Reiten im Gelände. In diesem Buch gibt sie ihr komplettes Wissen weiter: sei es der erste Ausritt, das Reiten durch Wasser oder am Berg, …