Pengarang: Irina Nicula

Gabriela Pană Dindelegan is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest and Senior Researcher at the “Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy. She edited and co-authored Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010), The Grammar of Romanian (2013), and The Syntax of Old Romanian (2016). Adina Dragomirescu is the Head of the “Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy and Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Bucharest. She is a co-author of Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010), The Grammar of Romanian (2013), and The Syntax of Old Romanian (2016). She also authored Ergativitatea. Tipologie, sintaxă, semantică (2010) and Particularităţi sintactice ale limbii române în context romanic. Supinul (2013).Irina Nicula is a Researcher at the “Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy and Junior Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics of the University of Bucharest. She is a co-author of The Grammar of Romanian (2013) and The Syntax of Old Romanian (2016). She also authored Modalităţi de exprimare a percepţiilor fizice. Verbele de percepţie în limba română (2012) and Variaţia sintactică a verbului românesc. Diacronie și tipologie (2015).Alexandru Nicolae is a Researcher at the “Iorgu Iordan—Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy and Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Bucharest. He is a co-author of Gramatica de bază a limbii române (2010), The Grammar of Romanian (2013), and The Syntax of Old Romanian (2016). He is also the author of Ordinea constituenţilor în limba română. O perspectivă diacronică (2015) and co-author of 101 Greşeli de lexic şi de semantică: Cuvinte şi sensuri în mişcare (2010).

1 Ebooks by Irina Nicula

Gabriela Pana Dindelegan & Irina Nicula: Comparative and Diachronic Perspectives on Romance Syntax
The volume brings together fifteen papers focusing on the morphosyntax of different Romance varieties. It is based on papers presented at the workshop bearing the same title held at the University of …