Pengarang: Isaac van der Waal

Isaäc van der Waal graduated from Dental School in 1968 at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, and completed his oral surgery training program in 1973. In the same year he defended his Ph D thesis on “Carcinoma of the Tongue; a clinico‑pathologic study”. From 1975 to 1976 he served a Fellowship in Oral Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington D.C. In 1979 he was appointed full Professor in Oral Pathology at the Dental School of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He served as President of the International Association of Oral Pathologists from 1986 to 1988 and as President of the European Association of Oral Medicine from 1998 to 2000. He has been a member of various EC committees for the dental profession in the campaign “Europe against Cancer” and the anti-tobacco program. Dr. van der Waal has been Editor-in-Chief of the Dutch Scientific Journal of Dentistry (1986–1996), Associate Editor of the Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, and a member of the editorial boards of various international journals. He is author or co-author of more than 400 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as various other publications. In 2006 he received a royal decoration in the Netherlands (Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw). He has also received an honorary doctorate from Semmelweis University in Budapest (Hungary) and awards or honorary fellowships or memberships from various associations, such as the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, the American Academy of Oral Medicine, and the International Association of Oral Pathologists.

7 Ebooks by Isaac van der Waal

Isaäc van der Waal: Atlas of Oral Diseases
This atlas is designed to assist all who are involved in diagnosing and treating oral diseases. Individual chapters focus on lesions and disorders of the oral mucosa, soft tissues (including the mino …
Isaäc van der Waal: Mondslijmvliesafwijkingen
Dit boek geeft een helder overzicht van de diagnostiek en behandeling van veelvoorkomende mondslijmvliesafwijkingen. Het is bedoeld voor gebruik in de dagelijkse praktijk, maar is ook zeer geschikt a …
Isaac van der Waal: Diseases of the Salivary Glands Including Dry Mouth and Sjogren’s Syndrome
Both the major and minor salivary glands can be the site of a wide variety of diseases and functional disturbances. This monograph covers both the common lesions and conditions of the salivary glands …
Isaac van der Waal: Patiënteninformatie Mond- en Kaakziekten
Aandoeningen in en rond de mond komen onder meer voor op het mondslijmvlies, de speekselklieren, in het kaakbot, op de tong, het gehemelte en de lippen. Door deze verscheidenheid vormen deze aandoeni …
Isaäc van der Waal: Burning Mouth Disease
This book gives a comprehensive overview of the symptoms, causes and treatment of Burning Mouth disease and Burning Mouth-like diseases. Burning mouth disease (BMD), also referred to as burning mouth …
Isaäc van der Waal: Burning Mouth Disease
This book is prepared for patients who suffer from ‘Burning mouth disease’, also referred to as ‘Burning mouth syndrome’. It gives a comprehensive overview of the disease, its symptoms and management …
Isaäc van der Waal: Mondbranden
Dit boek is bedoeld als leidraad voor tandheelkundige en medische gezondheidswerkers in de eerste- en tweede lijn bij de behandeling en begeleiding van patiënten, die lijden aan het relatief zeldzame …